Most people in the US as well as many around the world, are now familiar with the infamous Slap at the Academy Awards ceremony. This is a great example of someone harming and a reminder of what can happen if you ignore the harm you do to others in the workplace.
If Will Smith had made amends for slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars, Chris Rock’s Netflix Special would have been very different, as would Will Smith’s relationship with Chris Rock, and the public’s opinion of Will Smith would be much more favorable today.
The same principles also apply to the people you live and work with. If you really want your team to respect you and follow your directions, you will use this technique to help differentiate your leadership skills from everyone else’s.
If you’ve worked in a large frontline industry company, or chain, chances are great you have experienced “The Walk.”Are you doing it right? How did your team handle it?Better yet. . . this is how you can fix it.
Knowing the difference between these two types of workers can make all the difference in the world to how well your crew performs. Use this knowledge to create a well-balanced schedule and your whole team will appreciate it.
We have all made excuses for things not turning out as planned, but now that we are adults and are thinking about becoming a manager, this habit must stop or we will not make much progress in our careers. Making excuses tells everyone who hears them that we cannot be trusted to tell the truth, nor do we have any interest in fixing what is wrong. Accepting responsibility when something goes wrong and then fixing it is the best way to get your team to believe in you. Don’t worry that no one else is doing this. You will look better by comparison.
Fill the need is an OG mantra that has been used to keep managers on top of critical issues for decades. If you see something that needs attention, either re-purpose some staff or do it yourself. Just don’t get into the habit of doing everything you see. You are not an effective manager if you are constantly doing hourly functions and a Lazy staff member might even take advantage of a hard working manager. Fill the need now, deal with the lazies, later.